Developing Digital Learning Spaces from Vision to Reality

Session #8
Raw Notes
David Jakes, Developing Digital Learning Spaces from Vision to Reality
(slide deck and resources available from this link)
Educause eBook - book resource w/ pdf chapters on online spaces
Poptropica - 26 million kids are registered on this virtual world website. Mostly used by 14 year olds.
Online activities - friendship and interest based. We need educational intervention with their online activities so they can transfer their skills to academic and professional tasks. What happens when networked kids come into the classroom - is there a disconnect when they hit the classr

kZero - online data/consultancy: K Zero is a virtual worlds consultancy. "We are specialists in connecting real worlds brands and companies with the residents and environments of virtual worlds. Since 2006 we have been examining and assessing the drivers affecting virtual world adoption and the marketing opportunities presented by the metaverse." Growth of virtual worlds for kids is staggering and we have to adapt. Toy manufacturers recognize the value and extend toys to virtual worlds, targeting kids. They are tapping into it, so should education. GREAT DATA with graphical representation!
PEW Report online use data - social network websites
How can we utilize informal learning opportunities in non-classroom spaces? Can we empower informal learning opportunities like Stanford iTunes courses (ex. programming call pone apps). Enlarge the boundaries of what learning can be.
Core components to a multi-dimensional learning space? Systemic approach based on suite of tools that support digital learning.
- teacher space
- student space - content should travel w/ and belong to student
- knowledge commons (library) - peer tutoring area, adult reading support specialists, professional development area w/ cafe, social bookmarking (teach tags). Supports teacher and student spaces.
- need equitable access to 21st century skills / sets of experiences for every student
- parents
- support staff - ask their opinions about learning
- teachers
- articulate these Jake's docs link including by disciplines!
Different from skills, but need to develop new skills to achieve evolved literacies.
Fluency - Closing the Fluency Gap, Mitch Resnick
Beyond literacy is fluency. Ex. digital reading is different from paper reading - new skills needed to gain fluency.
The Internet (Web 2.0) is "acontext in which to read, write and communicate?" Leu
VAlues" research, collaborate, create, network, present
assign core platforms for each value
- research: RSS feed, delicious, Google, wikipedia
- collaborate: wikis, google docs, moodle
- create: blog, drupal, film, podcasting
- network: Twitter, Skype, FB IM email
- present: uStream, Flickr, iTunes, Voicethread
- knowledge commons
- students learning space - Google apps / student blog - students can take their accounts with them after graduation. Blogfolio
- physical learning space
- course learning space
- Google apps integrated w/ Moodle - ths is a great idea. Seamless integration of teacher and student space.
Labels: 21st century skills, BLC 09, collaboration, conference notes, digital media
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