Friday, May 8, 2009

Twhirling Tweets on Twitter

Twitter has been a challenge for me, but I am finally starting to see the value. Using Twhirl, I now have an open window to Twitter on my desktop, and can watch tweets from my network in real time. A few weeks ago I monitored a conference I was unable to attend, while minding the circulation desk after school.

Today there was a tweet about using wikis for open textbooks. With budgets under such pressure, the benefits and economies of social media are looking better and better. When I clicked the link and saw the list, my eyes lit up! I could also see a number of names I recognized from Twitter had also clicked and saved the list within minutes of me; Twitter makes this kind of sharing incredibly dynamic.

Open Textbooks - List | Diigo

I have a long way to go, but thanks to Twhirl I just took a leap in my understanding of Twitter, and the benefits of using it as a personal learning network. Of course, I also follow Ryan Seacrest. Can't say I have really learned anything from Ryan yet, but I am hoping he might tweet the winner of Idol before next week.

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