Thursday, April 17, 2008


During April, the library was open on a cold, sad Sunday morning. Nearly a hundred students, counselors, community members, parents and teachers gathered to mourn the untimely death of a student. Another student was in critical care as a result of the same accident.

On this particular Sunday in April, we gathered and mourned together. Counselors from Concord and Bedford, along with members of the clergy, met and prepared to offer support to whoever might be in need. These caring people guided students in creating large banners filled with memories and goodbyes. Cards were written for the hospitalized student.

Soon, FaceBook appeared on the ActivBoard, and students looked at images of their friend in happier times, read messages of shock and sadness from friends away at college, and reached out to their community, in their own way. A student connected his iPod to the library sound system, and the music of their lost friend filled the space. Soon, YouTube was up, and funny videos of carefree kids were playing, and memories were flavored with laughter.

Libraries are community spaces. In work, in play, and sometimes in sadness.


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