Classroom Twittering

Classroom Twittering
Michael Purdy, Director of Technology, Hanover Public Schools
(also good resource to discuss Google Apps for Schools)
Twitter creator on Iran: "I never intended for Twitter to be useful." Jack Dorsey - The Onion (6.24.09)
25-40 year olds are most active on Twitter.
Twitter is micro-blogging (140 characters).
Lifeblogging: Is a virtual brain good for the real one?
Proof! Mobile microbloggers are boring...
Lifebloggers track their every move, every word, every document with computers to create a personalized and machine-readable memory archive. Skeptics argue that no one wants to remember this much.Why tweet?
- instantaneous
- direct
- feels personal
- searchable
- available and flexible
- delete your account (it is a consumable product, can delete easily)
- direct message (D)
- @message
- Retweet (RT)
- Hashtag (#)
- URL shorteners
- email addresses: get a gmail acccount and use "aliases" to have more than one account to mail to
- student email - huge issue in Web 2.0 world
- job postings
- each school has an account for easy notification of parents who follow the school
(note to self: set up Twitter acct for library)
Teacher as Professional Learner
Condense "Self-Reliance" by Ralph Waldo Emerson into 140 characters - good use of Twitter. Teaches incisive writing and thinking, main idea, key points, sentence combining.
Grammar / Vocabulary
- self-reflection on teaching process
- member of prof learning community
- student poses question regarding class
- students consult one another about homework or other issues (student experts)
- create a review space for quizzes, tests that can accumulate as students head towards midterms or finals
Condense "Self-Reliance" by Ralph Waldo Emerson into 140 characters - good use of Twitter. Teaches incisive writing and thinking, main idea, key points, sentence combining.
Grammar / Vocabulary
- have students punctuate a paragraph that has punctuation removed
- have students write a sentence that properly illustrates the meaning of a vocabulary words
- students microblog as characters from within a literary work; they must reveal the motivation of character as it relates to plot
- students create online lexicon of literary terms covered in class with examples from the reading
- Twitter book club
- rewrite a play capturing its essence
- follow tweets of historical occurrences
- journalism classes can report on school-based news events as they happen
- journalism report events outside school
- debate assigned topics within twitter forum
- explain main point of great speeches
- create a study site of these speeches with interpretation
- students microblog in real time from an historical event ex the Kennedy assassination or Gettysburg, or Normandy
- report science experiments
- first student to solve problem
- students challenge each other
- daily math fluency
- discussions in foreign language
- teach phrases
- outreach to ELL
- Students watch films/programs looking for specific instances of ex irony, symblism etc. they can tweet as the recognize occurences inwhat they watch
- tweet during sports event - reporting
- pictures can be included in tweets
- create a sports network within school
Photo Credit:
"Meet Mr. Twitters"
Roz Chast
The New Yorker, 8.31.09
The CartoonBank
Labels: assessment, conference notes, MassCue 09, Twitter
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