Sunday, April 19, 2009

MINE: My Magazine. My Way.

Is this the future of periodical publication?
MINE: My Magazine. My Way. This is a free service that allows you to customize your own magazine, and receive it in print or digital format. I chose digital.

You choose your top 5 choices from a selection of popular TIME publications, and answer these 4 rather odd questions.
  1. Which do you crave more? Sushi or Pizza
  2. Do you like to sing in the car? Yes or No
  3. Which would you like to learn? Juggling or Celebrity Impersonation
  4. Who would you like to have dinner with most? Leonardo DaVinci or Socrates
Based on your selections and responses a personalized magazine is generated. It will be interesting to see what turns up. What will this mean for our personal information streams? What if my choices narrow my magazine to topics of wasabi and pop music? Where will I find diversity of opinion, new topics, and fast breaking news from outside my community and interests? This is going to be interesting.

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