Google Earth

MassCue - Google Earth
Notes from two presentations
Awesome Integration of Google Earth
Kevin McGonegal, Tech Specialist, Cambridge Public Schools
Google Earth - Makes a World of Difference in Your Classroom
Carol LaRow, Google Certified Teacher, Apple Distinguished Educator
I went to two presentations because I really want to get some vision about what is possible, and some depth in the range of this application. How are teachers and students using this? Google Earth, Google Sky, Lit Trips, layers, this thing is like Aladdin's Cave! I want to show it to Foreign Language, English, Social Studies, Earth Science - this is so far beyond enhancement. This is transformative.
Google Earth is a geographic information system. Google's goal is to make information universally acceptable and useful. Over half of the world's population can see their home!
Google Earth Pro - free to educators, but you have to go through an application process. Can get a lab license to install on every computer. Benefit is there is a dedicated Google server so it is a little faster and can embed extra media.
Can use any embedable code.
Labels: 21st century skills, collaboration, conference notes, differentiation, digital media, globalization, google, visual, Web 2.0
Mrs. Cichetti,
I went to the Google Earth presentation by Carol LaRow also. I not only found it to be informative. I thought it was GREAT! She was dynamic and knowledgable. The pace was good and the information and examples she showed were excellent.
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