iGoogle and Gadgets

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I don't buy shoes compulsively. I have never impulse shopped in my life. Well, I have been known to buy books on impulse. On a recent visit to the AWESOME Apple Store on Boylston Street, in Boston (my personal Mecca) I was queried by the funky welcoming-person, "Can I help you today?" My response was "No, I'm just here to play." I got a very enthusiastic and heartwarming high-five, along with a "Welcome, Sistah! That's the best answer I've had all day!" So, what is my pecadillo? My Achilles' heel? My guilty secret? Google apps. I love 'em. Can't get enough of 'em. This is my most recent acquisition. " Google Book Search". I already have an accounts with LibraryThing and Shelfari.
My iGoogle page is my personal portal to the world. Gmail, BBC News, Drudge Report, Artist of the Day, Literary Quote of the Day, and my beloved RSS feed. Aaaah. I can't help myself. Like some women buy shoes, I subscribe to free online apps.
If you don't have an RSS feed, you should get one today. Better than 3 inch heels.
I'm totally with you here. I love Google Apps! They are the best. All of my documents and slideshows start out on Google now (keeps me from having to lug my computer home everyday).
Unfortunately, I also buy shoes compulsively :)
P.S. I still haven't been to that Apple Store, is it worth the trip?
The Mac Store on Boylston St. is a B-L-A-S-T. You can play with stuff, talk with staff and dig into applications, and really kick the tires. It's nice to interact with passionate people. The building itself is stunning. Absolutey worth the trip.
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